

The advanced societies of the world have reached a stage of development where information networks are becoming even more important than physical transport systems. The reliable and fast flow of text, data, video, audio, and images will increasingly underpin the majority of social and business activity. In this sense, information networks are becoming the central backbone of society. Although you may well have heard this phrase before, it still important to fully absorb what this means for the world in general, and for Japan in particular.
Once our networks become sufficiently fast and ubiquitous, many consumer services will radically change. For example, if one can download a movie, music, or book, why would anyone keep all of this bulky equipment and media at home? Many people buy a CD; listen to it a few times, then store it on a shelf. Is this really, the most efficient way to buy music? Once we can download any music, at any time, our range of choice and experience will greatly expand, even as costs fall. The implications for the consumer electronics industry will be enormous.
In business, networks will become an integral part of everyday buying and selling. Nationwide branch networks of banks or insurance companies will become increasingly obsolete, as just about all transaction processing occur electronically. Almost regardless of industry, customer service will become a largely interactive experience. We will go on-line to look up our account balances, check store pricing and availability, review order and delivery status, and make reservations. And we will be able to do all of this 24-hours-a-day, 365 days a year. Whether existing companies can adapt to this change, or whether new companies will emerge to replace them remains to be seen.
Equally major changes will come to our schools and educational systems, especially at a university level. Today, university tuition is simply too expensive for many citizens. However, the combination of video conferencing and on-line textual materials holds great promise for expanding access. Someday, every student will have access to the very best teachers, and whole libraries will be on-line. Costs could fall by an order of magnitude, making true life-long learning possible, even in the most remote of areas.
Governments will also be steadily transformed. Information networks will greatly expand the timeliness and volume of public information. Electronic mail is an almost ideal form of citizen/representative communication, while the multimedia nature of the Worldwide Web presents a major new tool for law enforcement. Eventually, we will even vote electronically, making it easy for all citizens to fully participate. Like business, government will be steadily re-engineered and then re-invented.
All of these things will happen because network technology will enable better and less expensive services. The services will be better because electronic communication tends to be faster, more customizable, and more interactive than previous ways of doing business. They will be cheaper because using publicly available networks will allow organizations to use fewer buildings and fewer people, even while doing business around the clock and around the world. The productivity gains will prove unprecedented.

